I loved working on this project as it was a lot of fun to work with other people from other countries, it was challenging because i felt we had a higher level of thinking but that's good because that made me learn to have patience. I felt like we worked together very good, we had some problems here and there but they were solved in the end. I'm very satisfied about our final product, I feel like we have learned a lot from the project. I think what I could do better is wait even longer and let others share their idea's because usually i'm very fast with bringing up idea's and taking the lead then. I'm not really happy about how our teamwork started in our group but after a while it went a lot better. Our teachers have helped us a lot where needed, if we had any problems we could go to them and they would be solved. I did not expect it would be this fun and I did not expect I would learn this much from it either.